Hello listeners! Welcome to another episode of Reckless A-Talk, our TTRPG interview show where we sit down with some of our favorite writers, players, GMs, and streamers to get to know a little bit more about what makes them who they are.

I am as always your host GM Nathan I use he/him pronouns, and I am so happy to present to you this frankly long overdue, very inspirational and very fun interview with game designer and shitpost legend and marketing extraordinaire Lex from TitanomachyRPG.

We talk about this a little during the actual episode, but Lex started a little ahead of us in the tabletop gaming space, and was always someone I personally looked up to. Super creative, hardworking, consistent, and generally generous with their time and expertise. Plus, incredibly funny and thoughtful.

Lex has designed many games across a variety of genres and systems, but they are probably best known for their Caltrop Core System Reference Document or SRD.

As of last count at the publishing of this episode, more than 230 games have been published through Caltrop Core and the document has been downloaded more than 2000 times.

In this episode, we talk about Caltrop Core, but also about self-expression, depression, perseverance, the importance of failure and growth, and shitposting.

As always if you enjoy this episode please go check out some of our other Reckless A-Talk interviews and maybe even our actual play episodes.

Thanks for listening!

Edited by Nathan Lurz and Jonathan Zhang

Website: https://titanomachyrpg.com/

Lex on social media:



Lex on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TitanRPG 

VOD of Nighthawks: https://www.twitch.tv/namelessdomain/video/1749027564 

Self Promo/Digital Marketing Crash Course by Lex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXOmQ6ypOCI 

Principles of Anarchism


Fat Magic Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hannaht/fat-magic-rpg-5e-campaign-setting 

A shitpost: https://x.com/titanomachyRPG/status/1558196629286567944?lang=en